Ladies, here you will find a listing of studies offered by CRCC thru the week at various locations, days & times. See details below, click on the leader's name & they will contact you with their address or Zoom information if applicable. Participating in study helps us commit to spend time in the Word of God, pray & meet in community with other women. We look forward to spending time in God's Word with you.
Upcoming Fall Studies for Women
Begins September 10
Tuesday Mornings: Precept Upon Precept Romans Part 1
See what Paul says in his letter to the Roman church about the human condition, the righteousness of God, and transformative power of faith in Christ for all those who believe
At CRCC/9:15 am/Room 30 Downstairs
Contact: Joyce Olmstead
Begins September 11
Wednesday Night: 30 Days to Understanding the Bible
Unlock the scriptures in 15 minutes a day
At CRCC/6:45pm/Conference Room
Contact: Amanda Moser
Begins September 13
Friday Morning: Mom 2 Mom
"Growing a child=Growing a mom"
Curriculum designed to equip, encourage, and energize moms in the most important job in all the world-raising children. This biblically based material grows out of the promise that as we "grow" our children, God is growing us.
At CRCC / 9:45 AM/Room 30 Downstairs
Contact: Tiffany Ewing
Begins October 9-November 20
Wednesday Mornings: Graced
How God Redeems & Restores the Broken
AT CRCC/9:30am/Conference Room Upstairs
Contact: Nancy Manassero
Mending Hearts W/ Nancy Manassero
In an effort to minister to as many sexual trauma
survivors as possible, CRCC started the Mending Hearts ministry in 2023. As the
ministry evolves, we are going to start focusing more on personal
The Saturday morning classes will be replaced by
one-on-one mentor sessions with Nancy Manassero on a day and time that works
for both you and her. These sessions can be in person, or via phone, Zoom, or
email---whatever is most comfortable for you.
To set up a free 45-minute mentoring session with
Nancy, you may contact her at What you discuss with Nancy will
be kept in strict confidence unless you are in danger of harm or are a minor
currently being abused.
Contact Nancy for more information:
Nancy is a sexual abuse survivor whose book, Heartmending: God Can Heal Your
Heartbreak From Sexual Abuse, has been endorsed by pastor Dave.