Additional information
Wednesday Nights
6:30-8:15pm (8:10 for cUbbies)
Online Registration for
Clubbers AND Leaders appstorealt
Scroll down to see what we have available per grade!
Want to help support our Awana Club while you shop?
Link your Fred Meyer shopper card to our club & we'll receive a percentage of what you's that easy! Look for Christ the Rock Awana Club AW819
Please contact:
Kim Nestorek or Shannen Kennedy at
2024/2025 awana
Cubbies will meet from 6:30-8:10pm. They will say verses, listen to a bible story, play some games and have a snack! This year they will be going through the Honeycomb book.
Sparks will rotate during the night saying their verses, listening to a bible story and finishing up with games.
Each year Sparks will start the book of the grade they are entering, this gives them a fresh start and excitement for the new AWANA year!
Truth and Training will rotate during the night saying their verses, playing games and finishing up with a bible lesson. They will be going through
Grace in Action as a club this year.
Trek will rotate first with Games and then head into saying verses and Bible lesson. This year the Trek students will be going through the book His Love.
Join Journey this year as they go through the book called Disciples. They will start with games and end with small groups to say their verses and have an all group lesson.
AWANA Leaders
2 Timothy 2:15
”Do your best to present yourself to
God as one approved, a workman who
does not need to be ashamed
and who correctly
handles the word of truth.”
Leaders are the heartbeat of any Awana Club.
We are so thankful for each and every leader
as they invest time in our clubbers.
They are planting seeds every Wednesday Night!
We would love for you to
be on our 2024/2025 team!
Please fill out THIS FORM
ALONG with a
Thank you
AWANA Missionaries
"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord , beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called'"
Ephesians 4:1-3
Our Vision
That all children in SW Washington would come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. That our clubs and leaders would be thoroughly equipped to build Resilient Disciples of Jesus in an ever-shifting cultural landscape.
Puget Sound CAMP 2025
It is a camp designed for Awana Clubbers entering the 6th grade this fall through those graduating from High School in the spring. A camper must complete one 3rd - 12th grade Awana handbook to attend the first time,
and then complete an Awana handbook each year to return.
For more information, you can visit them at Puget Sound Camp Home Page
Awana at the Rock
Awana Clubs are an exciting opportunity for our children to benefit spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally from each weekly meeting. Our Awana clubs offers a positive, loving atmosphere. Through Awana, our children can develop their social skills such as sharing, listening and relating to others. Through achievement and awards, our children will gain a sense of accomplishment that leads to future successes in all areas of life. The heart of Awana is its biblical stand that stresses the preeminence of the Word of God. The great Scripture verses on salvation and Christian growth are the core of all the Awana achievements.
Weekly meetings have three components: council time, handbook time, & game time. Council time, includes flag ceremonies, music, announcements and a Bible lesson. Handbook time emphasizes individual contact between clubbers and leaders. Leaders meet with a small group of clubbers to listen to them recite their memory work and to encourage them to greater participation and handbook achievements. Clubbers earn handbook awards during this part of the meeting. Game time teaches fair play and teamwork while providing a release for stored-up energy.
Awana Clubs International, which derives its name from 2 Timothy. In 1950 Awana was founded in Chicago, Illinois by Art Rohiem and Lance 'Doc" Latham. It is an international Bible-centered youth ministry providing local churches with weekly clubs and programs for three-year-olds through highschoolers. Our goal is to reach boys and girls and their families with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
Click here to go to Awana Clubs International's Website